photo of pink and purple petaled flowers with white ceramic vase

Bosham, Chidham & District Horticultural Society

The Committee would like to thank everyone who supported our Annual Show at the end of July. I’m sure everyone who attended enjoyed admiring the exhibits and congratulations to those who won cups etc. It takes a lot of commitment to put on the Show each year but we feel it is worth it for the sake of our wonderful village community. We will endeavour to do the same in 2025!

In October we hold our last evening meeting with a Speaker (November is the AGM). On 10th October one of favourite speakers, Ben Pope, will be returning to entertain us with his talk entitled “Gardening to Save Time.” Let’s hope we get a full house for this meeting!! We really are anxious to expand our membership for next year to keep the Society viable. If you are new to the Village or live in nearby villages, please come along. We are very friendly bunch with a shared interest in gardening, and we will welcome you with a coffee and biscuit on your arrival. The meetings are held in Village Hall with the doors opening from 7pm with the meeting beginning at 7.30.

Happy gardening

Rozie Bradley

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